The Story behind Custom Signs in Ventura
Have you noticed Ventura has some of the most attractive business signs in Southern California? Dave’s Signs has produced many of the custom signs in Ventura and we are very proud of our creations. Here are just a few of the many wonderful signs we have created for the businesses of Ventura.
Pole Signs
Poles signs never seem to go out of style and are perfect for presenting a “classic look” for your business. Your pole sign can tower above everything in the area and be seen from afar in the daytime and is even more effective when illuminated at night. Take the example of the Historic Ventura Pole Sign seen from Ventura’s 101 Freeway. We created this enormous “welcome mat” for the city of Ventura. It is designed with just the right background and letter colors which makes the sign stand out at any time of the day, and it looks like it’s been there since the 1950s.
Neon Signs
If you like fish tacos you are probably familiar with Spencer Makenzies. They have one of the most unique signs in Ventura you will find. Dave’s Signs performed a feat of magic under a tight two week deadline. The sign is full neon and blends in perfectly with the ocean and beach environment and at the same time, it stands out and makes a statement. This is impressive in the day but at night, it really comes alive.
Vintage Cafe Signs
If you have ever been to the Busy Bee Cafe you would swear their sign has been there since they opened their doors over 50 years ago. We created this vintage neon masterpiece which really is a “blast from the past”, and we can do the same thing for you.
Signs as Art
When we create custom signs it takes a great deal of artistic as well as mechanical skills, that’s why we have both artists and technicians working for us. For your business just a dimensional letter sign may not cut it, you might also like a large image painted on the side of your buildings in order to further stand out. This is exactly what we did for superbuzzy (local crafts and gift shop). The word “superbuzzy” is highlighted by a bee flying from the letters in a most creative and unforgettable fashion.
Dave’s Signs has created some memorable and classic signs throughout Ventura in recent history. We blend the talent of artists, technicians, designers, and sign professionals, to give you the most unique and effective signs for your business.
Are you located in Ventura? Call us at (805) 641-1387 with your sign questions or click here to request a free quote.