3 Ways a Los Angeles Sign Company Can Improve Your Business
If you want to stay competitive in business, you need a good marketing plan. Television advertising may not be in your budget or perhaps you need something more than mass media marketing. When you do business with a Los Angeles sign company like Dave’s Signs, you have people helping you with one of your biggest and most effective marketing tools, your signs. Here are three things we can do with signage that can help boost your marketing efforts.
1. Increased Visibility
When you come to a professional Los Angeles sign company, we check out your entire location. Our signage experts look for things that could obstruct the view of your signs, and we make allowances. Maybe trees are making it hard to see your signs. If you can’t trim them, we’ll recommend a different location for signage placement. We want your signs visible from all viewing angles, if possible.
2. Visual Response Design
Did you that people respond differently to signage depending on their field of vision? A study at the University of Cincinnati revealed some interesting things. The height of signage can provide different perceptions. Also, the study showed that signage to the left (while driving down the road) gets perceived by the right hemisphere of the brain and vice versa. That’s why visual signage is more effective on the same side of the road (to drivers), and word signage is more effective on the opposite side. A good Los Angeles sign company takes factors like these into consideration.
3. Less = More
Studies prove that simple and easy to read signage establishes trust. At Dave’s Signs, we know how to give you more by including as few words as possible. We keep it simple, so people reading your signs see you as a trusted service, and they feel comfortable entering your building.
If you are looking for a sign company in Los Angeles, look no further than Dave’s Signs. Give us a call at (805) 641-1387 or contact us online to see how our years of expertise in signs and knowledge of city ordinances in Los Angeles can help you get the signs you are looking for.